Hearts Themed Paper Cut

Hello all, Hope everyone is having a great summer. With activities for everyone around, I and my friend, Aarthi (do check her blog) have decided to go in for a series of activities, pertaining to arts and crafts, for ourselves over the next few months. It would be a weekly venture and would include various art… Continue reading Hearts Themed Paper Cut

Valentines Day 2016

Hallo again, This happens to be one of the long pending posts that needed to be penned down. 2015 Valentines was a nice surprise for the Husband. He was very impressed and quite amused. I wanted to do the same for 2016 too. Quilling was not an option as I wasn't keen with the repetitive… Continue reading Valentines Day 2016

Valentine’s Day 2015

Hello, I am back after, what I feel is, eternity with a "Throwback Thursday" post being a nice opportunity to get back to the blogging world. Valentine's Day must bring loved experiences to many of you out there. I believe that every day is special and every moment is special, cherished and loved like there is no tomorrow. Never… Continue reading Valentine’s Day 2015