Inktober Tangles 2018

And a year later! Welcome back to another Inktober post. Here is a link to the previous aka Inktober Tangles 2017 post where I elaborate more about Inktober. 2018 was a year of change as we moved countries and settled into our new space. So the year's Inktober Tangles was special as it was my… Continue reading Inktober Tangles 2018

Inktober Tangles 2017

2017 was the first year that I got to know about the Inktober series and along with that I came across Inktober Tangles as well. Inktober, started by Jake Parker, is a month long online drawing event where artists participate by doing one ink drawing a day, for a given daily prompt, for the entire… Continue reading Inktober Tangles 2017

Watercolour Mandala Dreamcatcher

Hello hello and welcome back 🙂 Let us walk through another of my Skillshare class experience here (check here for more) that made me take up a few more (albeit just a couple or so more - so far) and learn something new and different. Technically, the Watercolor Mandala Dreamcatcher by Vinita was my first… Continue reading Watercolour Mandala Dreamcatcher